Morgan Green Portfolio


Morgan Green and Andrew Bearnot, RAPUNZEL, 2021, scanned images from live-generating printer

R A P U N Z E L   produces volumes of unique but mundane material — each printed segment different from the last. While a human hair grows smoothly from a follicle, these digital hairs register line-by-line, branded into thermal paper. Our algorithm produces images that are infinitely novel, but as hairs on a body, they appear the same in essence. Unfurling along a sensitive tape, they nevertheless seem to record something. Like a lock from a lover, this segment is yours to take home. You might revel in its particular kinks, its imperfections, perhaps the pierce of light entering its bend.

After observing hair under a microscope, we coded an abstraction that references hair’s subtle reach. Our program’s parameters produce boundless hairlike images. Matter, rather than mathematics, dictates that each has an end point. The system that designs these drawings uses Pierre Bézier’s formulas, layered with functions for tapering and shading. Bézier curves are ubiquitous in design and particularly typography. Our shaded curves too suggest calligraphic scribbles — clipped somewhere in the middle: segmented thoughts.

pseudo alphabets

These works explore systems of meaning, using computation to create the illusion of language, but ultimately frustrate the viewer with illegibilty.

slippery characters, 2019, live-generating p5.js animation

Click for interactive version

binary digits against a fold, 2019, collage, ink and laser engraving on paper, 9" X 12"

binary digits against no labels, 2019, collage, ink and laser engraving on paper, 9" X 12"

loom & cipher

Starting in fall 2019, I began teaching a workshop that included a hands-on material history of computing, meant to instill a tactile understanding of electronic computation. For the purposes of this workshop, I created an analog binary decoder, inspired by the history of cryptography. I also used The Interlace Project's portable loom, to help illustrate the relationship between weaving, encryption, and computation.

I first held this workshop as part of my scholarship at Pumping Station: One, and have since been hired to hold it at other venues including Mana Contemporary and The Wing. So far, the workshop has filled up within a day or so of posting.

analog binary decoder / cipher wheel

synthetic poetry


Works contain text live-generated using Emily Dickinson's corpus as training data. Part of the Special Collections at Amherst college. Click to learn more.

2018, digital video, accelerated speed video
poetry machine outputting to thermal printer

2018, digital video
scrolls of synthetic poetry on thermal paper, blowing in the wind

Click to generate poetry.

2018, JavaScript object

hold you/mold you

hold you/mold you, 2019, multi-channel video installation on mobile devices
photographs by Jesse Meredith and Morgan Green

other text art

CEIILNOV, 2015, charcoal on Bristol, 23" X 29"

Voice/Spittoon, 2015, charcoal and drivel on Bristol, 29" X 23"

Untitled, 2018, JavaScript animation
Click to open in a new window

video & performance

Autocanon activations, 2018-19, live performances of generated poetry
color photographs by C Alex Clark at Currents 826
black and white photograph by Michael Sullivan at Mana Contemporary New Jersey

Morgan Green Shaves Her Head Backwards, 2015, digital video
Selection at DOC NYC Film Festival 2015

LOCK, 2014, music video with Devin Kenny/Amiri Froze

dk2.mp3 (tell me), 2013, music video with Devin Kkenny

neutral anatomy lesson, 2017, part of One House Twice, performance at the Neutra VDL Research House

little readings, 2017, one-on-one performance series, in collaboration with Maggie Wong
Click to see more.

GREEN BLOOD CHASE, 2016, 16mm film (excerpt with sound, set still)

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© 2024 Morgan Green